Short Bananas Story

 About Us:                       

 FitBananas is a fitness apparel & accessories brand, online retailer based in UK, Scotland. We are already supported by thousands of athletes and this who take action to build stronger tomorrow. Our social media accounts are constantly growing fuels with motivational content.

 Created in 2019 Student Suzie B and supported of family and friends. FitBananas has grown from a side project, to pay student bills, to a high performing fitness brand operating all over the world. 

 Our sucess comes from a ambition to producie innovative, effective performance wear and an ever-expanding social presence, and above all a commitment to the FitBananas vision:

  • We are all fitness; we just don’t know it yet!

 We exist to create the tools that help people unlock their full, incredible potential and put their ideas into action.

 Our Core Value:

  Friends & Family – We found our community of athletes, visioners and people of success growing by every day! We are the people, we are a family, we are individuals who are starving for ambition, self-develop and support.

  Progression We see opportunities to grow and achieve success sustainably. To create our success, we are fearlessly progressive and consistently future-conscious. It's our goal to make on-demand manufacturing the norm for a planet with finite resources and people with infinite ideas.

  Passion – In everything we do, be true to our passion and respect of others. We do what we love, we are here not to judge, we are here to support and grow the ideas! As our mind is our only limit.

Mission Statement:

We are all fitness; we just don’t know it yet!  

 Our passion is to create an healthy environment and educate people that exercising is good for us! At Fit-Bananas we are building a platform for everyone who wants to become a better version of our-self. Our support service is available for you at any time. 
